8 Characteristics of a Quality Web Designer

8 Characteristics of a Quality Web Designer

8 Characteristics of a Quality Web Designer

A company’s website is one of the most useful tools for businesses to promote their products and services, while also encouraging sales. The most successful websites are easy to navigate and engaging for your audience. Even websites that are not used for business will find that a good design increases their online traffic. Choosing a quality web designer is a crucial investment for your business, and knowing the characteristics to look for will help you find the right one.

8 Characteristics of a Quality Web Designer

1. Industry Experience

A good designer for your website will have experience designing sites for clients in your same industry. This will ensure that the professional is familiar with your type of business and that you will have a web design that will best serve your client base.

Although every designer’s experience will vary, choosing one that has handled a project with a company that is similar to yours means that they will have an idea of what your business entails and what it needs to succeed. Designers who do not have a grasp of your industry can still create a beautiful site, but planning will take longer and they may not know the areas to optimize or emphasize that will best suit your business.

2. Clear Strategies and Techniques

Regardless of the designer you hire, it’s crucial that this person can lay out a clear strategy for your project, as well as the techniques they will use when creating your site. If a web design expert cannot explain their process to you or if they have difficulty laying out their game plan, then you will probably have a difficult time working with them.

Professionals who know what they are doing and who are prepared to tell you how they work, their level of experience, and the methods they will use will greatly improve your site. Be wary of anyone who is not upfront about their expectations or goals for your project. Excellent designers will be able to anticipate any mistakes or pitfalls and have a plan of action for when those difficulties arise.

3. Expansive portfolio

It can be tempting to hire a designer who is just starting out, and sometimes that arrangement can succeed, but it is always a gamble. New designers may be talented and up-and-coming, but without a track record or industry experience, it may not be worth it to make your business their guinea pig.

Web design is definitely an investment, but hiring experienced professionals will absolutely pay off in the long run. Designers who have a detailed portfolio and who can showcase their past projects will not only increase your confidence in their abilities but will also give you an in-depth look at various designs that may work for you.

4. Offers a Variety of Services

Creating a website may be your primary goal, but quality design companies will also offer additional services to ensure your online presence is strong. Some companies will have staff that offers SEO, content creation, and social media campaigns. All of these services complement your newly created website and will help to grow your business. Choose a company that can fulfill all of your digital needs, creating consistency and reliability for your website.

5. Good Communication

Quality website designers know that their clients are not experts in the field of web technologies, so they will take their time in explaining the development process and terminology in terms that clients will understand. Clients are experts in their own business, and they are relying on their designer to be an expert in website design.

If a designer is unable to communicate the intricate concepts or complicated jargon into terms that the client understands, then they will not be successful in communicating the overall business message through the website. Communication is key for setting expectations and understanding the process and goals set by both the client and the designer.

6. Creates a Reasonable Contract

After your consultation, but before a website designer begins working on a new project, clients will be required to sign an agreement. As the client, make sure you carefully read this contract before you sign on the dotted line. It is crucial that all expectations are clear, and that any contract terms and conditions are fully understood.

It is not uncommon to have the agreement looked over by a lawyer to make sure that all of your interests are protected. A contract is important in protecting both you and the designer, especially if the website does not meet your exact specifications.

7. Flexibility

Code is known to be quite unpredictable, regardless of your level of experience. Website designers should be flexible enough to alter the scope or contexts of your project when necessary. They should be willing and able to adapt and deal with any problems that arise. Every business is unique in its wants and needs, so a good designer will be able to meet the needs of each individual client with ease.

8. Sets and Meets Deadlines

Hiring a designer you can trust to fulfill the needs of your website is imperative, but that person or company must also be able to set and meet clear deadlines in order for your business to grow. As with any industry, unexpected obstacles can arise, but a good designer will be able to anticipate these roadblocks and inform you in advance any time they encounter a problem.

There should be a plan of action in place should your designer not be able to meet expected deadlines in a reasonable amount of time. This is when good communication skills will prove beneficial.

A quality designer should offer continued services in order to maintain your website. With content that is constantly changing, and for businesses who want to expand their customer base, your designer should be forward-thinking in keeping your website up-to-date with the current trends. It’s important that your site functions properly, and that any technical issues are addressed immediately. Contact us today at GooRooz and let us help your business grow with a strong online presence and high-quality digital solutions.


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